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File extension Details of SAVE, SAVE, SC2, SCB, SCF, SCM, SCM, SCR, SCS

File Type:Salt Lake city 2002 game file
Category:Game file
File Description:Salt Lake city saved game file.
Open Programs:

Salt Lake Winter Olympics 2002

Company / developer:
  Ubisoft Entertainment

An authentic recreation of the 2002 Olympic Winter Games, capturing the spirit of this exciting worldwide event. This Official videogame is immensely challenging & will probably keep sports fans engrossed for a long time. Features multiplayer options & 4 modes of play

File Type:Prey save game file.
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Pray, save game file.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Apogee Software, Ltd

Earth's savior doesn't want the job.

Tommy is a down-on-his-luck garage mechanic, stuck in the middle on who-knows-where on some forgotten reservation, where Native Americans are tucked away out of sight, out of mind.

And then the unthinkable happens! Earth becomes prey to the galaxy's largest predator, a space bound Texas-sized alien that's looking to satiate its hunger with the organic goodness that most populates Earth: Us. And the first course is a certain forgotten reservation.

A Spiritual Awakening

Tommy and his girlfriend have become prey, his grandfather killed, and hundreds of his tribal nation have been abducted through space-warping portals. Freeing himself, all Tommy cares about is saving Jenny. But the spirit of his grandfather beckons him to embrace his heritage, accept the ancient teachings, and prepare to battle the menace that threatens to destroy all the planet's

life.  It's a choice between love and responsibility. It's a choice that cannot be made easily.

Innovative Gameplay

    * Built on an enhanced Doom 3 engine, the most impressive 3D engine used in a released game.
    * Portal technology adds a new dimension to gameplay, allowing enemies to appear out of thin air and create new and completely original puzzles and gameplay styles.
    * Several never-before-seen gameplay elements such as Spirit Walking, Wall Walking, and Deathwalk.
    * Highly organic, living environment that itself can attack Tommy.
    * Tommy has a sidekick, a spiritual hawk that can help him fight enemies and decipher the alien language of the living ship.
    * Multiplayer game support that takes advantage of the unique gameplay styles in Prey.
File Type:SimCity 2000 file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension used by SimCity 2000 computer game.
Open Programs:

SimCity 2000

Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.

SimCity 2000 (SC2K) is a simulation/city building computer game and the second installment in the SimCity series. SC2K was first released by Maxis in 1993 for computers running the Apple Macintosh and MS-DOS operating systems. It was later re-released on a number of different platforms, including: Amiga (1994), Microsoft Windows (1995), SNES (1995), Sega Saturn (1995), OS/2 (1996), PlayStation (1996), Nintendo 64 (1998), Pocket PC (1999) and Game Boy Advance (2003).
File Type:Command & Conquer World Builder file
Category:Game file
File Description:The SCB file contains various elements that represents way points, objects and command string that re used in the map creation and game play.
Open Programs:

Command and Conquer: Generals World Builder

Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.


This development tool is used by Electronic Arts designers to create single-player missions and multiplayer maps for Command & Conquer? titles, and now it's available to you. The full-featured 3D environment gives you unprecedented visual controls and a wide array of tools to get the details of your maps exactly as you want them. Building game maps is easier than ever, as the World Builder's suite of tools lets you rapidly prototype your creations and then jump directly into the game to play them.


--Step-by-step process to build multiplayer maps. Follow the steps listed in this document to get up to speed building multiplayer maps for up to eight players. With a few extra steps, you can turn your finished multiplayer map into a Skirmish map.

--Designed like an art tool. The menus, tools, and their uses are derived from desktop art tools. If you're familiar with traditional art software programs, World Builder will feel very comfortable.

--What You See Is What You Get. Interact with your maps through the same engine as the game. Visual toggles and camera options in World Builder allow you to position the camera anywhere over the map and to view some or all of its components at any time.

--Urban objects and textures. The enormous library of 3D objects includes detailed touches to create realistic cities from all over the world. You can build dense Asian cityscapes, Middle Eastern villages, or modern American sprawl. Objects and textures are included for roads, highways, bridges, and railroads, too.

--Many environmental settings. Use textures and settings to place your map in a wide range of geographic locations at any time of day. --Small output. Created maps are small enough to email to your Command & Conquer friends.

File Type:SimTown file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension used by SimTown.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.


File Type:StarCraft campaign map
Category:Game file
File Description:Patended file format used by Blizzard Entertainment.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Blizzard Entertainment

As the military leader for your species, you must gather the resources you need to train and expand your forces and lead them to victory. 30 unique missions will challenge you across three different campaigns as you control the fate of the galaxy.

In the distant future a small group of human exiles have been doomed to fight for survival on the edge of the galaxy. Through military strength, espionage and deceit, a unified Terran government has maintained an uneasy peace. As resources run short, however, these Confederate nations find themselves looking towards the rich worlds of their alien neighbors, the enigmatic Protoss. To further complicate matters, it seems that a previously unknown and deadly species known only as the Zerg has entered Protoss space and is destroying everything in its path. The time for war has come...

File Type:Grand Theft Auto III mission script
Category:Game file
File Description:Script file used by computer game Grand Theft Auto III. A script file is a file containing (almost) any sequence of Grand Theft Auto III commands.
Open Programs:

Grand Theft Auto III

Company / developer:

Grand Theft Auto III

You've been betrayed and left for dead. Now you're taking revenge, unless the city gets you first. Mob bosses need a favor, crooked cops need help and street gangs want you dead. You'll have to rob, steal and kill just to stay out of serious trouble. Anything can happen out here.

File Type:Xpand Rally Extreme player profile file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Xpand Rally Extreme. Player profile file.
Open Programs:

Xpand Rally Extreme

Company / developer:

Xpand Rally Xtreme shows the true climate and conditions of rally racing. Dangerous, technical tracks, based on the world's hardest special stages full of moguls,jumps,grooves and tight hairpins.

By winning races amass funds for faster cars and repairs. The player also has the ability to mechanically tune their cars by increasing parameters such as turbocharger efficiency,fitting sports breaks and suspension kits and more.

File Type:SimCity Societies saved game file
Category:Game file
File Description:Game file contains saved games in SimCity Societies.
Open Programs:

SimCity Societies

Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.

Featuring an all-new, revolutionary feature set, SimCity Societies allows players to create their own kinds of cities, shape their cultures, societal behaviours and environments. Build an artistic city, an Orwellian city, futuristic city, green city, spiritual community or any society you want! With more accessible and innovative choices than before, SimCity Societies is the most versatile city building game.


* SimCity Societies is the most versatile city building game.
o Combine and connect elements of your city like never before with the ultimate building block tool kit.
o This innovative, modular approach to city-building makes SimCity Societies accessible to players of all levels, while still providing tremendous new possibilities to veteran players of the SimCity™ series.
* Shape your city by choosing your values
o Mix and match societal values—productivity, prosperity, creativity, spirituality, authority, and knowledge—to determine the core attributes of your city.
o Witness the evolution of your city as its appearance and sounds adapt to reflect these values.
* Build unique homes, workplaces, leisure-time venues, and parks.
o Choose from more than 500 unique objects which can be combined and connected in almost limitless combinations.
o Take inspiration from a variety of architectural styles, ranging from the realistic to the fanciful, rural to urban, industrial to futuristic.
o As your city evolves, you unlock new buildings to advance your society.
* Share your creations with your friends online.
o Modify almost everything in the game, from the names of your Sims and buildings, to building textures and statistics, and even Sim behaviours.

File Type:SimCity 3000 real-world terrain city
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension used by SimCity 3000. Contains game data.
Open Programs:

SimCity 3000

Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.

SimCity 3000

Don't cry for me, SimCity. As the mayor--potentate, really--the entire future and design of the city is within your hands. A classic city-simulation game, the new version boasts scores of cool improvements, including more refined graphics.

The infrastructure of your new home is intense, and so are the tasks at hand: building roads, establishing water and power lines, providing civil protection through fire and police stations--and reviewing city finances to make sure all these things can happen. The realistic details in SimCity 3000 are what make it brilliant: an icon for "subway to rail connection" allows you to create a spot for your city residents to change trains on their daily commute.

The pleasing graphics offer color palates similar to a Diego Rivera painting or a Rockefeller Center mural. With an endless array of satisfying options and fascinating possibilities, a review of this edition requires almost ridiculous hyperbole and praise. A great way to get lost in careful consideration for days on end, SimCity 3000 is simply the best game of its type.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC